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The website www.cleanandgreen.net, whose the service's holder and sole owner is Clean&Green (Azienda), exists since 2000-05-11 on the Internet by using the domain www.cleanandgreen.net and it has reached Nº 278545 unique users and Nº 354045 page reads. This website is about: .

Copyrights and use of published material

In any case, the publication of any kind of material included on the website (text, scripting, graphics, files, images, videos, logos and whatever else) is allowed only if followed by a clear quote of the source, through the express insertion of the link to the official website www.cleanandgreen.net and the author name. It's appreciated a communication to the use (by e-mail) of the materials.

For a commercial use (direct and/or indirect) of the contents (text, documents, graphics, files, images, videos, logos and whatever else publisched in any kind of format in the website) can only take place after an autorization request to send even by e-mail at the address info@cleanandgreen.net.

Links to other websites

The website www.cleanandgreen.net isn't responsible for the content of any linked site reachable through links on this website, provided solely as a convenience to the users. Their presence doesn't imply either their contents' endorsement or any kind of assurance about the quality of their services and product.

Second level pages

The second level pages in the website www.cleanandgreen.net are: ifriends.php (friends page of iClean), legal.php(the Legal page, this!), sitemap.php(map of sections), keywords.php (page containing the keywords), 404.php (page's error 404, where redirected if you want a link that does not exist), prehistoric.php(page where browsers are redirected dated), cmyk.php (page of Color control).

Law No.62 on Publishing

The website www.cleanandgreen.net doesn't represent a newspaper, as it isn't updated regularly, for this reason it can't be considered a publishing product, according to the law No.62, 7/03/2001

Cookie Law - European Directive 2009/136 on the e-Privacy

A cookie is a small text sent to your browser from a web site visited, which allows the same site to store information about your visit, such as your preferred language, social preferences and other settings. This can facilitate your next visit and increase the utility of the site in your favor. Cookies are important and without them the use of the web would be much more difficult.

Cookies are used for many purposes. We, for example, we use them to store your browsing preferences, to help in registering to our services, to use the social tools of the first party and third-party as in the case of: Google, Yahoo, Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.

It is normally transmitted cookie in person by the manager of the site for purposes related to the smooth and proper functioning of the site. This family of cookies includes:
These cookies are necessary to ensure the normal use of the website and its services allowing, for example, to authenticate to restricted areas or to make a purchase.
These cookies, while not essential, improve the functionality of the site as they allow the user to make choices about some aspects of the persistent navigation (eg select the language or store some favorite products within an e-commerce).
Are considered "technical cookies" when used directly by the site operator to collect information, in aggregate, the number of users and how they visit the site.
Taking the definition given by the guarantor of privacy, cookies profiling «Are aimed at creating profiles user and are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown by the same part of surfing the net…».

For technical cookies do not require any prior consent from the user (the web site, that is, can handle them safely without having to fulfill any formalities), while for cookies profiling the European and Italian legislation provides the user having be adequately informed on the use of the same in order to express his valid consent.

For further information, refer to the regulations in force:
Guarantor Protection of Personal Data of the Italian Republic
Cookie Law - Official site of the European Commission

Privacy protection / Protection's policy according to the L.Decree 196/2003, Article 13 (Personal data code - Privacy)

The website www.cleanandgreen.net assures that the data processing received by e-mail or electronic forms corresponds to the Italian Privacy Policy (Legislative Decree 196/2003).

In compliance with the article 13 of the Italian legislative decree No.196, June 30, 2003 (Code concerning the protection of personal data), Clean&Green (sole owner of the website cleanandgreen.net), as personal data Controller, provides the following information:
  → The processing of your personal data is solely directed towards the services offered by the website;
  → The data processing will be made by the website operator, that are also the responsible for data processing, by computerized procedures able to report and ensure the privacy of the data provided, and solely with the objective of fulfilling those above-mentioned purposes;
  → The data transmission is necessary to the carrying out of the aforesaid service; therefore their absence make impossible to bring into effect the service;
  → The data will not in any way disclosed to third parties;
  → You may invoke the article 7 of the above mentioned Code, especially the right to obtain the personal data processing confirmation, to request correction, the data's updating and the delating, if they are incorrect, incomplete or collected in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their processing for lawful reasons, contacting the data processing responsible.

Service's Holder and personal data processing Responsible:

Clean&Green - Strada Michelona, 107 - 28062 Cameri (Novara) Italy - email: info@cleanandgreen.net

For further information about Privacy please visit the following official website:
• Italian Republic's Guarantor for the protection of personal data
• Guarantor for the protection of personal data at EU Level
